Cilj rada je analiza pravnog okvira i prakse zapošljavanja policijskih službenika u Crnoj Gori. U prvom delu rada autor analizira međunarodne standarde koji se odnose na zapošljavanje javnih službenika, uključujući i policijske službenike, koji služe kao osnov za procenu pravnog okvira zapošljavanja policijskih službenika i njegove primene u Crnoj Gori. U drugom delu rada, autor analizira relevantne odredbe Zakona o unutrašnjim poslovima i Zakona o državnim službenicima i nameštenicima koji se odnose na zapošljavanje i selekciju policijskih službenika. Autor zaključuje da trenutni pravni okvir nije u potpunosti usklađen sa međunarodnim standardima, posebno zbog toga što predviđa izuzetke od sprovođenja javnog konkursa. Trenutni izazovi u procesu zapošljavanja policijskih službenika kao posledicu imaju i nizak stepen poverenja javnosti u pravičnost ovog procesa. Iz svih pomenutih razloga, neophodno je preduzeti mere na unapređenju pravnog okvira koji reguliše zapošljavanje, kao osnove za primenu principa profesionalnih sposobnosti pri zapošljavanju policijskih službenika.
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Ingraham, P. W., “Building Bridges over Troubled Waters: Merit as a Guide“, Public Administration Review, 2006, 486–495.
Keune, M., „EU Enlargement and Social Standards – Exporting the European Social Model?”, The European Union and the Social Dimension of Globalisation, How the EU Influences the World (eds. J. Orbie, L. Tortell), Routledge, 2009, 52.
Milošević, M., “Upravljanje ljudskim resursima” [“Human Resources Management”], in: Procjena integriteta policije u Crnoj Gori [Integrity Assessment of the Police in Montenegro] (ed. S. Muk), Institute Alternative, Podgorica 2016, 35.
Vukašinović Radojičić, Z., “Specifičnosti sistema službeničkih odnosa u policiji” [“Specificities of the Civil Service Relations in the Police”], Pravni život 10/2013, 335-347.
Legislative sources
Law on Internal Affairs,Official Gazette of MontenegroNo. 44/12,36/13,1/15, 87/18).
Law on Civil Servants and State Employees, Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 2/2018.
Law on Higher Education, Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 44/14, 52/14, 47/15, 40/16, 42/17.
Decision on the establishment of the post-secondary vocational school “Police Academy” Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 40/2012.
Rulebook on establishing worthiness of persons to perform police duties, Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 44/23.
Decree on the Criteria and Methods on Carrying out Testing of Knowledge, Abilities, Competences and Skills for Work in State Authorities, Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 50/2018 adopted on 20 July 2018.
European Code of Police Ethics (Recommendation (2001)10 adopted by the CoE Council of Ministers on 19 September 2001.
The Council of Europe’s Recommendation No. R (2000) 6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the status of public officials in Europe, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 24 February 2000 at the 699th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies.
SIGMA/OECD, Principles of Public Administration, 2014, OECD publishing.
Strategic and other documents
MoI of Montenegro, Police Administration Development Strategy 2016-2020, Action Plan for the Implementation of the Police Administration Development Strategy 2016-2017.
Government of Montenegro, Fiscal Strategy of Montenegro 2017-2020.
Government of Montenegro, Public Administration Reform Strategy 2018-2022.
Government of Montenegro, Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2019-2020.
Pointpulse, “Report – The citizens’ opinion of the police, Results of the public opinion survey for Montenegro,” September, 2017.