Rad će se fokusirati na zahteve koje postavlja pravo EU u pogledu ništavosti i nepunovažnosti ugovora u određenim oblastima koje su povezane sa funkcionisanjem unutrašnjeg tržišta: pravo konkurencije, uključujući restriktivne sporazume, zloupotrebu dominantnog položaja, kontrolu koncentracija i državnu pomoć i pravila o javnim nabavkama. Domen primene pravila o ništavosti koja su zasnovana na pravu EU je ograničen i samo je u čl. 101 (2) Ugovora o funkcionisanju Evropske unije izričito predviđena ništavost restriktivnih sporazuma. U slučaju zloupotrebe dominantnog položaja, ništavost ugovora može da proistekne iz principa efikasnosti prava EU. Punovažnost ili ništavost ugovora koji krše klauzulu suspenzije u režimu kontrole koncentracija se procenjuje u dva trenutka – pre odluke o spajanju i nakon odluke Evropske komisije. Režim državne pomoći ne može da se oslanja na ništavost ugovora kojima se krše pravila EU o državnoj pomoći na osnovu prava EU. Konačno, pravila o javnim nabavkama su, čini se, najsloženija u tom smislu, jer funkcionišu u smislu „prava“ ugovorne strane da raskine ugovor i ovlašćenja tela koje vrši reviziju da proglasi „nepunovažnim“ ugovor koji je nelegalno dodeljen. Stoga se predlaže revizija direktiva.
Besselink, L. F. M. 2010. National and constitutional identity before and after Lisbon. Utrecht Law Review, 6(3), pp. 36-49.
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Goyder, J. & Dons, M. 2017. Damages Claims Based on State Aid Law Infringements. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 16(3), pp. 416–428.
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Halonen, K.-M. 2017. Termination of a Public Contract – lifting the veil on Art. 73 of 2014/24 Directive. Public Procurement Law Review, 5, pp. 187–198.
Honoré, M., & Jensen, N. E. 2017. Damages in State Aid Cases. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 10(2), pp. 265–286.
Jouve, D. 2017. Recovering Unlawful and Incompatible Aids by National Courts: CELF and Scott/Kimberly Clark Cases. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 16(3), pp. 366–376.
Köhler, M. 2017. Private Enforcement of State Aid Law – Problems of Guaranteeing EU Rights by means of National (Procedural) Law. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 11(2), pp. 369–387.
Kubera, P. 2020. State Aid rules and public financing of infrastructure. The Case of Autostrada. TalTech Journal of European Studies, 10(1), pp. 77–96.
Martin-Ehlers, A. 2017. Private Enforcement of State Aid Law in Germany. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 10(4), pp. 737-740.
Mock, S. 2002. Harmonization, Regulation and Legislative Competition in European Corporate Law. German Law Journal, 3(12), E5.
Nazzini, R. 2006. Article 81 EC between time present and time: A ‘normative critique’ of restriction of competition in EU law. Common Market Law Review, 43(2), pp. 497-536.
O’Donoghue, R. & Padilla, J. 2020. Law and Economics of Article 102 TFEU. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Ordóñez-Solís, D. 2017. Waiting for National Judges in Infringement Proceedings on State Aid. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 16(3), pp. 377–392.
Pärn-Lee, E. 2020. The Origins of Supranational State Aid Legislations : What Policymakers Must Know and Adhere to. The Case of Estonia. TalTech Journal of European Studies, 10(1), pp. 123–145.
Pastor-Merchante, F. 2016. The Protection of Competitors under State Aid Law. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 15(4), pp. 527–538.
Pinto, C. S. 2016. The “Narrow” Meaning of the Legitimate Expectations Principle in State Aid Law Versus the Foreign Investor’s Legitimate Expectations. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 15(2), pp. 270-285.
Ritzenhoff, L. 2014. Legitimate Expectations in Reasonable Delay – Regional aid to Hotels in Sardegna. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 13(4), pp. 729–734.
Scalise, R. J. 2014. Rethinking the Doctrine of Nullity. Louisiana Law Review, 74(3), pp. 663–718.
Schmid, D. 2002. (Do) We Need a European Civil Code (?). Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law, XVIII(1), pp. 263–293.
Stehlík, V. 2018. Interim measures before national courts in the context of EU and Czech law. International and Comparative Law Review, 12(2), pp. 7–42.
Weatherill, S. 2012. Maximum versus Minimum Harmonization: Choosing between Unity and Diversity in the Search for the Soul of the Internal Market. In: Shuibhne, N.N. & Gormley, L. (eds.), From Single Market to Economic Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 175–199.
Zingales, N. 2010. Member State Liability vs. National Procedural Autonomy: What Rules for Judicial Breach of EU Law?. German Law Journal, 11(4), pp. 419–438.
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